Monday, February 22, 2010

WRA Italy Tour - Itinerary updates

Dear WRA Italy tour participants, you must be surely getting excited about the journey with the departure less than a month away! What a great opportunity for the singers, musicians, their friends and family to travel together with Mrs. Karam and Mr. Wiles to Venice, Verona, Florence, Pisa and Rome - plus to see magical places off the beaten path. Most of our tours are planned at least a year in advance and we are thrilled to put together your journey in much less than that.
We sure hope to get the final missing details from the travelers this week to present you the detailed itinerary latest this weekend. Your tour organizer Sandra is currently in Italy to double-check everythingone last time and after giving your WRA tour hosts a chance to go over the itinerary, it will be posted on the blog with a more detailed version being mailed via the school to all participants.
Arriverderci! Cu soon!

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